The strong know where they belong
INEXTG arms IDF soldiers with a strong Jewish identity, an unbreakable connection to their heritage and homeland, and resilience in their fight to defend our country and its people.

Imagine Israel without the IDF
Israel is the homeland of Jews all around the world.
And the IDF is its heartbeat, its steady pulse – our country’s pride and protection. Jews around the world know: Our homeland is safe and ready to welcome us home.
But in recent years, the number of young Israelis signing up for combat roles dropped, with fewer and fewer of Israel’s next generation enlisting to protect.
Because how can you sacrifice for the fight if you don’t understand what you’re fighting for?

Let’s arm our soldiers
Deepen their connection to their homeland and heritage
Broaden their experience of Judaism
Strengthen their pride in their Jewish identity
12,000 soldiers participate in learning-based programs each year
Weekly Lectures
Those who want to delve deeper can join one-on-one study sessions with a yeshiva student – a chance to get a first-hand, in-depth look at our blueprint for Jewish life.
Monthly Seminars
INEXTG’s weekly events explore topics in Torah and Judaism – an opportunity to gather with peers in a relaxed atmosphere and explore thought-provoking concepts in Jewish philosophy.
3,000 soldiers join Shabbat programs arranged on 20 bases every week
Family Shabbat
INEXTG arranges for families to spend Shabbat on base, so soldiers can feel the beauty of the day in a warm family atmosphere – especially when they’re far from their own homes.
Care Packages
Soldiers receive personal packages filled with prayer books and other items on a regular basis, especially around the holidays. These items support their spiritual development and let them know they are cared for.
6,000 packages distributed each holiday
Holiday events
INEXTG runs high holiday events, Chanukah parties, Megillah reading, matzah baking, and more. These enlivening events set the tone for the holidays – and tap into the spirit of Jewish life.
Holiday Packages
Holiday packages are sent with everything a soldier needs to have an authentic holiday experience – such as the Four Species, matzah, and Megillot. All packages come with a how-to-use guide so the meaning of the traditions are present, no matter they find themselves.
Gift our soldiers with spiritual armor.
12,000 soldiers participate in learning-based programs each year
Weekly Lectures
Those who want to delve deeper can join one-on-one study sessions with a yeshiva student – a chance to get a first-hand, in-depth look at our blueprint for Jewish life.
Monthly Seminars
INEXTG’s weekly events explore topics in Torah and Judaism – an opportunity to gather with peers in a relaxed atmosphere and explore thought-provoking concepts in Jewish philosophy.
3,000 soldiers join Shabbat programs arranged on 20 bases every week
Family Shabbat
INEXTG arranges for families to spend Shabbat on base, so soldiers can feel the beauty of the day in a warm family atmosphere – especially when they’re far from their own homes.
Care Packages
Soldiers receive personal packages filled with prayer books and other items on a regular basis, especially around the holidays. These items support their spiritual development and let them know they are cared for.
6,000 packages distributed each holiday
Holiday events
INEXTG runs high holiday events, Chanukah parties, Megillah reading, matzah baking, and more. These enlivening events set the tone for the holidays – and tap into the spirit of Jewish life.
Holiday Packages
Holiday packages are sent with everything a soldier needs to have an authentic holiday experience – such as the Four Species, matzah, and Megillot. All packages come with a how-to-use guide so the meaning of the traditions are present, no matter they find themselves.
Gift our soldiers with spiritual armor.
Opening conversations,
establishing connections
The agnostic
His non-Jewish girlfriend is waiting for him. But after reading the books in his care package, and seeing the beauty of family Shabbos meals, he now knows that he values raising a Jewish family more than anything else.
The unexposed
Judaism is a word from the history books. She feels disconnected, unsure how or even why to continue her life. The weekly lectures are mind-blowing. Now she has unshakeable values, a purpose in life, and a mission to fight.
The explorer
Neither the Buddhists nor the Hindus could answer his burning life questions. But Judaism is archaic. Outdated. Or is it? Three seminars later, he’s fighting with fresh resolve, confident that he wants to protect Israel – his heritage and birthright.
The apathetic
She joined the army because everyone does – but she plans to move overseas as soon as she’s done. With the vibrant joy at a Chanukah event, she discovered her rich birthright. Six months later, she is proudly establishing a home in Israel.

Interactions with INEXTG transform Jewish identity from a burden to a privilege

Now, soldiers are proud to be a strong part of the Jewish nation, defending our holy land and adding their own link to the chain of Israel’s future generations.
With your support, more soldiers will receive crucial direction and purpose, directly impacting the safety of our homeland and the Jewish people.